10 Things Restaurant Servers Secretly Hate
An angry old customer shouting and blaming a woman barista who made a mistake. Collecting an order at the counter, coffee shop cafe cashier. Business service. People lifestyle.
We love going out to eat at restaurants. In the United States, More than 50% of adults eat out three or more times a week. Whether it’s a date or a business outing or just friends meeting up, going out to eat seems to be the more popular social thing to do.
When we go to restaurants, there are things that annoy the hell out of us. And, on the other side, there are things that annoy the hell out of servers too. If you are or have ever been a server, you probably know what these things are. But if you want the best out of your dining experience, you may want to avoid all of these 10 things. Buzzfeed asked and we asked our listeners too, what do servers hate and these are some of our favorite answers.
- Walking in and sitting at a table that hasn’t been cleared. Don’t sit at a table that has dirty dishes on it and expect to be waited on right away. The right thing to do is, wait until it’s cleared then sit down.
- Ask to be seated outside, then complain about the temperature or bugs. It’s nice to sit outside, but know BEFORE going out there what the elements are. It’s a pain in the butt to reseat you after you’ve gone out there.
- Grabbing your food or drink off the tray they’re holding. You’re not helping, in fact it could cause a major spill as it’s messing with the balance of the tray.
- Parents who aren’t attentive to their messy kids. This is self explanatory. If you’re allowing your child to throw things and spill food everywhere, you are really annoying your server.
- When you don’t say “please” or “thank you.” Some people just say “I’ll have this” or “I want that.” Just be courteous and mindful that you aren’t demanding food. More so, make sure you’re asking and using please and thank you.
- Snapping or whistling to get their attention. Waving is fine. But snapping or whistling will probably get the server to purposefully take even longer to get to you.
- Going in right before closing time. This will ensure everyone has to stay longer. Don’t be that person.
- Complaining about prices. Obviously the server has NOTHING to do with that, so complaining will not get you anywhere.
- Eating everything on your plate, then complaining about it. At that point, you obviously didn’t hate it too much and they know you’re just trying to get a free meal.
A 29 year radio veteran, Melissa has made notable media appearances including serving as a judge and correspondent on the Emmy Award-winning TV show Community Auditions, Phantom Gourmet, Chronicle and many more. Additionally, Melissa won a Gracie Award in 2019 for her work as Co-Host of The GetUp Crew with Ramiro, Pebbles, Melissa & Leroy. She volunteered coaching cheerleading for 20 years. Melissa is a social influencer who creates videos promoting area businesses, movies, concerts and other lifestyle events.