New Georgia Laws Effective July 1, 2023
The Miss Freedom statue sits atop the Georgia State Capitol dome on May 22, 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
We are now just a couple of days away from July. And during the General Assembly earlier this year, there were some bills presented that passed both chambers. These bills were signed into law by Governor Brian Kemp. The new Georgia laws will take effect on July 1, 2023.
There are 16 total laws on the list from Fox 5 Atlanta. The laws include literacy, homelessness, gang sentences, welfare, income tax refunds, and more. You can see the full list HERE.
Laws Related To Schools
- Safety Plans for Schools: The bill passed will require schools to submit a safety plan to the state each year. This will require an active shooter drill by October 1st of each year. And students will be required to participate unless local districts give parents permission to opt their children out.
- Literacy for Students: This bill changes how students in Georgia will be taught to read. The state Department of Education will develop a list of approved instructional materials for local school systems. Each school district will annually certify they are using those materials for reading instruction. Additionally, there will be screening tests to help track reading progress.
Tax-Related Laws
- Income Tax Refund: This will be the second year of state income tax refunds will be granted for most taxpayers between the amounts of $250 to $500.
- Taxes on Downloads: This bill will impose a sales tax on digital goods bought online- books, music, movies, pictures, games, etc. The tax will not affect rental or subscription items.
- Taxation on Electric Vehicles: Electric vehicle owners can purchase electricity by the amount of power used instead of the time spent charging, but new taxes will be included. (Drivers of electric vehicles do not pay gas taxes, which have been used for transportation infrastructure.)
Additional New Georgia Laws
- Gender-Affirming Surgeries: This bill will ban most gender-affirming surgeries and hormone replacement therapies for transgender people under the age of 18. Medicines to block puberty could still be prescribed by doctors.
- Welfare for Pregnant Women: Poor pregnant women will be able to seek assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Previously, Georgians could only qualify if the child was already born and lived in a home where one parent is incapacitated.
- Banning TikTok: The TikTok app and some others will be banned from state-owned devices.
- Prison for Gang Recruitment: This bill adds a mandatory 10 years to prison sentences for someone convicted of recruiting minors into a gang. It will also make it harder for judges to avoid giving at least 5 more years in prision for those convicted of gang activity.
- Homelessness: This bill requires enforcement of bans on homeless people camping in public. Also, governments and hospitals can not dump homeless people in other counties without permission.
See the full list and further descriptions HERE.
7 Georgia Laws That Seem Too Crazy To Be True
“Cody” Blaine Jackson is one half of the Kicks Wake Up Krew on Kicks 99, and also serves as the Digital Program Director for Beasley Media Group in Augusta. She’s a Georgia native but currently resides just across the river in South Carolina. She started in the radio industry as a part-time board operator, and moved up through various roles, including on-air positions and program director for multiple stations. Her passions include fitness and anything to do with animals, as she has two fur babies, her dogs Harley and Waylon. Cody likes to write about pets, fitness and Augusta local events.