Recently, we took a look at 7 Georgia laws that are a bit out there. And now it’s time to check out these 7 crazy South Carolina laws. As we all know, laws are created for various reasons. And they vary around the country. But it’s amazing to see that some states have created what seem like the most random laws. You have to wonder where these even came from. What happened to make them say, “Yes, we need to create a law to keep people from putting their horse in a bathtub”?
The website Only In Your State has lists and fun facts for all the states. And when it comes to crazy laws, they’ve compiled lists for each state. In South Carolina, there are actually 16 on their list. But for today, we’re going to share the 7 craziest ones!
Just like with Georgia, there isn’t really a back story for the laws. Also, the chances of being prosecuted for these are pretty slim to none (like the tattoo one…). So let’s get to it with the 7 crazy South Carolina laws!